why take part?

Over 500 young people and their leaders took part in our pilot. We saw incredibly positive results, but don’t just take our word for it….


of young people enjoyed taking part


of Young people learnt something new


of leaders found the toolkits easy to understand and use

Empower your students

The challenge fits perfectly into your PHSE and citizenship lessons

With the help of over 300 pupils, our challenges have been designed to support the national school curriculum. Are you ready to have fun and learn about the NHS in your classroom?

Benefits for Teachers:

  • Ready-made resources: Save time with engaging, curriculum-aligned activities.

  • Boost student engagement: Interactive format keeps students motivated.

  • Empower young people: Equip them with knowledge and skills for healthy lives.

  • Support the NHS: Foster a generation of informed and caring individuals.

“I really believe in the quality of the resources and activities. They’re just a great resource to use and share. I would love to be able to have them as part of my toolkit”

Primary School Teacher, Hull

As well as learning how to take care of their own health, your students will learn:

  • How to make a clear and efficient call to the emergency services

  • Basic first aid concepts, for example, dealing with common injuries such as head injuries.

As recommended by the Department for Education

knowledge saves lives

Our programme meets all learning objectives of the Key Stage 1, 2 and 3 Citizenship programme:

  • Developing confidence and responsibility and making the most of their abilities

  • Preparing to play an active role as citizens

  • Developing a healthy, safer lifestyle

  • Developing good relationships and respecting the differences between people

  • Breadth of opportunities

Developing citizens


of teachers agree the Challenge would fit into longer-term planning

Link with informal youth work values

This was great, loved the resources and activities and was easy to use.

Youth Leader

The resources directly meet the outcomes framework outlined in the UK youth work curriculum

The Challenge connects multiple strategic aims, whilst also fostering the core principles of youth work practice. There are 63 activites for young people to choose and adapt to suit them.

• ‘Education: It gives young people the opportunity to learn – about themselves, about others, about issues they care about or that concern them and about society and how to engage in their communities.

Empowerment.:develop the skills and confidence to make decisions and act on issues that affect their own lives, the lives of others, their communities and society.

Equality: It respects differences and builds connections between different groups and individuals.

Participation: partners and leaders in their own learning, to help them gain influence over issues they are concerned about’

Taken from the NYA National Youth Work Curriculum

Engage young people in health settings

support young people to participate and be heard in the services they use

Children and young people are active users of community, specialist and hospital health provision. The programme has been designed to be used with any young person regardless of how engaged they are in the NHS

Benefits for Health Settings:

  • Connect local youth organisations with the NHS: Work with underrepresented groups to lead into future opportunities, reduced health inequalities and improved healthcare.

  • Inspire and recruit: Use challenge activities to engage children and young people to lead into patient involvement opportunities, volunteering, or work experience.

  • Reward your Youth Forum: Upskill your youth forum and recognise their contributions

  • Empower young people to make change: An opportunity to listen and respond to young people’s views

  • Support young people to give back to the NHS: Activities will encourage and empower young people to fundraise for the NHS

  • Develop trust: Create positive and meaningful connections to the NHS which last a lifetime

Our programme aligns with NHS priorities including:

Widening participation

young people’s voice

health prevention

Get in touch with the team at barnardo’s for further info and support

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